The impact of new technologies in today’s society.
With all the technological means discovered and invented over the last ten years and our dependence on them, are we able to do without them today?
1: Souvenirs memories.
Remember 15 years ago when there were no mobile phones or internet. Some, being born in this age of technology, are ten thousand miles away from imagining life without all these things, others, who have known, seen and experienced this progression of technology, are the first to have forgotten and replaced their habits before that by these new inventions.
2: Development and consequence.
If we take a thoughtful and observant look at all these digital and other prowess, we can only admire the progress made for and by humanity, but on the other hand if we manage to keep our critical eye on things (and fortunately this is still the case) we are able to see the many vices that these machines can bring us.
As a man, we must be able to slow down from time to time when it becomes too much, but this way of life has become so natural and indispensable to us that, to keep pace with this society, we must be, as they say, “up to date”. Those who renounce it and those who do not comply with its requirements or do not follow its pace end up being (if we can call it that) victims of professional suicide (companies, educational banks, etc.).
Will the machines, which have already almost become the bosses of our professional life, eventually take over our private and family lives?

There are several questions to ask, including whether the invention of the Internet makes learning easier and makes us really more “intelligent”…. It is clear that the Internet allows us to find information very easily and quickly, so in a sense we can say that it does make our task easier, but it depends on how we see the question because on the other hand we can say that if it does everything for us, it does not help us to work on our personal intelligence and our ability to think, debate and weigh the pros and cons. We know that we can have the answers without really understanding the basics.
3: Can we do without it?
At school has it become essential to use the computer?…. Here again, if working life is a question of speed, ease and is based on this technology, then of course yes or no.
On a human level, since the arrival of the Internet, are we communicating better than in the past? _ the concern is that since the arrival of the Internet there are excesses as in many other areas and these excesses can harm our social and physical lives. This ability that the Internet has to be able to do almost everything can cause it to contain itself, thus breaking everything that is social, family relationships etc…. Others find love on the Internet, there are as usual several possible answers to these kinds of questions.
For scientists and experts it has become a kind of end of the border effect. Now they can exchange on social networks or on the net. With this story, it has become a kind of border loss, we give rise to the phenomenon of “no fixed office”, employees will no longer really have any reason to go to the office since they can do their work almost anywhere in the world and at any time. It is a kind of time deregulation. We realize that we no longer know when to stop and that we are losing crucial moments in our private lives.
4: Become aware.
We must also be aware that the constant improvement of these new technologies also allows a better productivity of companies (it is much higher), for companies it would be a real disaster to go back, imagine that they cut everything (telephone, computer, digital network) it would be steps and steps backwards it would therefore be impossible because if we advance it is due to progress and innovation. The current environment is definitely impregnated by technology.
Constantly obsessed with new things, are we not victims of excess?…_We can see this especially with advertising and its omnipresence in our daily lives, whether on television, in newspapers or in the street. Advertising spots invade our minds and the transmission of information is one-way.
5: Vice or virtue?
Advertising fails to create a need when it is not vital, for example the “Tamagotchi” (a gadget that, by pressing buttons, makes it possible to take care of a virtual animal so that it can live as long as possible), the Japanese manufacturer Bandai released this gadget in 1997. It is a hit with small children and even teenagers who become almost addicted to it. In 2004, the new version is released, you can connect the “tamagotchi” between them.
There is also a positive side to advertising. It creates jobs, particularly in the field of marketing, where it is essential to use it. Advertising also allows us to discover new products on the market. For example, when a new object is created and we want to introduce it to the public, we will use advertising.

The telephone even goes so far as to become the key to the hotel door… _
An example of the enormous technological progress in a few years: _ The smart phone that can pay the bill or open the door to the hotel room, among other things. No need for a key, the mobile phone will suffice. This new invention was tested in Sweden, in a hotel in Stockholm. The only defect is that you have to be at a maximum distance of 10 centimetres.
6: Fight, surrender or victory?
Another concern is that technology has won some “battles” with the population. People are becoming more exhibitionist, they are gradually no longer making the difference between the private and public spheres (especially on social networks). Take the example of “facebook”, which is a social network in which you can put private information such as photographs, texts, videos, etc. At the moment, we can already know a lot about a person’s private life, the profile cannot be seen by people with whom you are not friends if you set the security criteria correctly (which is not often done) There are many examples of cases that have gone wrong (due to lack of security).
Example of an unusual situation: A young German girl living in the city of Hamburg, organized a birthday party at her parents’ home for her birthday and sent invitations to her friends via Facebook. Until now everything is fine, the problem is that the young man forgot to put under the security settings that it was a private event and not open to the public. Very quickly more than 14,000 people confirmed that they would come to the party
Fortunately, if you can say so, only 1600 of the 14,000 planned came, creating big unrest and improvising an alcohol party on the street (which pushed the family to leave the house). No less than 100 police officers tried to maintain order between 7pm and 2am, the outcome of the evening: injured police officers, material damage, 11 arrests and fire departures blocked in time. For this celebration with far more serious consequences, this young German woman is surely the greatest unorganized party organizer in history.
The negative impact on young people: Students between compulsory school (the orientation cycle) and post-compulsory school (college, business school, ecg, etc.) attend social networks on a daily basis and this is reflected in their academic performance. Scientists have concluded that students using “facebook” have poorer academic performance than others.