New technologies are making the work of professionals increasingly easier. What are the latest innovations to use without moderation?
If we could, we would delegate all accounting and management to computers. Until this is possible, the Invoice2go application, available for iOS, allows you to create, send and organize your invoices. The Nutcache application also allows you to create invoices, but with the advantage of accounting for the time spent on each of the projects in progress.
Time management
Because time is money, if you are looking for a software specialized in calculating your hours, Toggl is there. The format and interface are easy to use and make it the ideal tool for time management. The application is available online and on iPhone and Android.
Vacant workspace
Coworking is in fashion. Not surprising in this era where self-employment is becoming more and more the norm! To help find a free workspace that is adapted to the needs of the self-employed worker looking for a company, the Breather site allows you to locate the workspaces available nearby.
Work organization
For those who like to organize ideas, Evernote makes it possible to classify your notes by labelling them and classifying them in notebooks. You can also share notes with your colleagues. In terms of task management, HiTask allows individuals and work teams to divide their work (and delineate personal and professional life). Its main assets are file sharing, task management by email and calculating the time spent on a folder.
Transcribing recordings
For those who have to transcribe video or voice recordings, the O’Transcribe online software will change your life. By allowing you to speed up and slow down the recording speed, but also to take note of the elapsed time, O’Transcribe should soon be added to your favorite tools.

This system you are about to discover is the one I have put in place year after year, for 10 years.
My morning routine
The first moments of your day configure your day. In my program on stress management, the author explains that a person who does not take the time at the beginning of the day to wake up calmly, then visualize his day and his main objective, will have a better chance to react to his environment. React VS Act.
Concretely, I wake up around 5am. I spend 15 minutes in a suit breathing deeply, then I visualize the qualities I develop and my long-term vision.
Then I go down to my balcony and enjoy my (first) coffee.
Around 05h30, I start writing.
You may be wondering why I get up early?
In fact, I am investing my first hours in activities that will allow me in a few years to have the most precious resource: time. The trigger for this habit is waking up, because if I don’t wake up, it’s because I’m dead. It is therefore a reliable trigger (1).
Obviously, we have to be able to live with the idea that this cannot work. You have to get used to the idea of daily sacrifices. But it’s easy to say no to something when, deep down, burns a much stronger yes (it’s cute said that way, in reality it’s less cute).
Where the 95% of people invest their best hours of the day in someone else’s goals (their boss) on my side, I decide that to move quickly, I invest in myself.
These first hours after waking up are the ones where my will is at its highest and my ability to concentrate is at its best. The rest of the day, the unexpected affects me much less, because the most important thing is done. I am also available for others.
If you set your personal goals at the end of the day, this prolonged session will drive you crazy, it will be difficult to remain courteous with this annoying customer who calls around 6pm and of course, start your activity at 7pm will require resources that will be in smaller quantities than at 5am.
I’m not saying that organizing your life to work on your goals at the end of the day is not feasible, it’s just more difficult.